Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life at the Heberton Plaza. Not all cocaine addicts are beautiful

Life at this beautiful, scenic (aperture) paradise is pretty unique. I attended the Freshers Ball on Tuesday . The alluring Alice Byrne came over to my Bachelor pad adjacent to the Fatima Luas stop. The scent of Raw Potato skins & stale socks encased her nostrils. I was MORTO. 
We then moved on to Zoe's Apartment where the the creme de la creme of Fatimas' Finest were dancing there fears away. As the night progressed we stumbled down towards the 19bus to Dublin city, (known to some as the big s'h'moke) A lovely lady with her shopping bags asked me for a cigarette, and I kindly obliged. Her stench and lack of oral hygiene became prevalent rapidly. She then proceeded to request a piece of Alices' plastic bag to wrap her Crack-Cocaine in. She then waddled on her merry way, a can of Bav in one hand & her Cocaine in her upper left-hand bra. This town has Class beyond compare.
LaLa & ClarClar Please come soon.

Love- Ja Ja. x

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